I read these articles lately... and it backs up what I have read elsewhere but hadn't acted on till now.
This is my next priority - to get a safe organic bed and bedding. It's too important as you will see.
The mattress that plays havoc with your hormones
Is your mattress making you sick?
Here's some places I've found to get safe non toxic mattresses and bedding from:
And I'm sure there are others out there. Just be careful that they are quality and sourcing from truly organic places ie US made, wool from sheep organically farmed with no chemicals etc. I have my eye on a mattress from Cozy Pure so now we just have to save up to get it. I can't wait. I'll let you know when I do and how it goes!
My journey in detoxing my living environment, making our home safe, chemical free and comfortable.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
But I LOVE things that smell nice
Did you know that what you put on your skin or inhale in your lungs goes into your blood and therefore into your brain, your cells, every part of your body?
I had a rude awakening in this whole 'scented' area in my research into chemical free living recently. I have always been a person that just loved things that smell nice and would go so far as to even smelling the toilet cleaner in the past to ensure I picked one that smelled good! I loved the thought of living in USA as American girls always smell nice - the scented products over here seem to linger so much more on the skin and all those delectable fruit or vanilla type smells. On coming to the States in Nov 2009, I immediately took to the Bath and Body Works Stores and loaded up on the sales of beautiful smelling lotions and potions, delighting in the fragrances - I was now like those American girls that smell so good!

Insert rude awakening following my first miscarriage, which as you know, drove me to search everything on my quest to find out about things that had never occurred to me before. Here's what I discovered about all those fragrances I drowned myself in through the past.
::: You may say fragrances have been used for centuries and the answer is yes but more recently fragrances have gone synthetic and not so natural, this is the problem.

::: Pthalates are plastic softeners that cause serious health problems in humans and animals. Found in so many things in our lives today, aside from personal products, they are also in anything plastic and vinyl. They are shown to damage lungs, liver, kidneys and reproductive systems.
::: These chemicals in the fragrances in our laundry detergents, perfumes, makeup, shampoos, lotions and creams etc go directly into our bloodstream - either by direct contact or by breathing them into our lungs. Access through the air to our lungs is the quickest way into the bloodstream which goes to our brains!
::: Numerous reports have linked fragrance to conditions such as birth defects, cancer, brain damage, respiratory disorders, chronic skin reactions to name a few.
::: Linked to asthma
::: The birth defects linked to pthalates are especially bad for baby boys, causing reproductive defects, demasculinization among others.
::: Babies are especially vulnerable, if they are sucking on anything plastic, they are ingesting pthalates.
'The National Academy of Sciences reports that 95 percent of chemicals used in fragrances today are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum, including known toxins capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.
But surely, you might say, if there really was a significant health risk created by perfumes and other scented products, the federal government would protect people by attempting to regulate them, right? Guess again. Since the cosmetics industry is self-regulated, it isn't required to register its formulations, test results or consumer complaints with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “The cosmetics manufacturers aren't required to submit safety data to the FDA, so we don't really know what sorts of tests they run,” says Wayne Stevenson of the FDA Cosmetics Registration Section. “When they run tests, they keep the results in their own files. They don't share the information with the FDA.” (source: Emagazine )
More important information courtesy Dherbs
'There are over 600 chemical ingredients that have been linked to cancer or are believed toxic to the reproductive system. Many are used to manufacture perfume and cologne.
In 1986, the National Academy of Sciences grouped fragrances with insecticides, heavy metals, solvents, food additives and certain air pollutants as the six categories of chemicals that should be given high priority for neurotoxicity testing. According to their report, 95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They include benzene derivatives, aldehydes and many other known toxic substances linked to cancer, birth defects and allergic reactions.
Ethanol is a principal chemical in perfume and cologne (and hair spray, shampoo, shaving cream, soap, and nail polisher) that can cause fatigue, irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract, and produce a loss of muscular coordination.
Limonene is another principal chemical found in perfume and cologne (and bar soap, shampoo, hand lotion, and hair spray) that is carcinogenic (cancer-causing). In addition, it can seriously irritate the eyes.
Linalool, also found in perfume and cologne, is a narcotic that causes respiratory disturbances. This chemical contributes to reduced spontaneous motor activity and depression.
Benzyl Acetate is linked to pancreatic cancer, the worst cancer you could develop. Its vapors are irritating to the eyes and the respiratory system. It can also be absorbed through the skin causing systemic effects.
Toluene is a solvent that causes headaches and is a reproductive system toxin. It is on the list of chemicals deemed hazardous under Proposition 65.
Toulene is used in many perfumes and colognes on the market today.
There is so much more I can tell you about this... it's a minefield that most people are unaware of. Go for the safe alternative - pure essential oils. Pure essential oils are the ONLY option for safe fragrance in everything.
Hope this helps and please do delve into this further yourself too. It's really important for your health and for your family.
So to sum it up... if it smells scented and it's not natural essential oils then stay far far away from it.
Further info for you on pthalates
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