Deodorant - this issue has been solved once and for all with no turning back! I used the apple cider vinegar, as mentioned in the previous post, for a while but got really sick of the smell and found after a while that it wasn't really working. I'd heard baking soda works so I tried that by mixing some into a paste in my hands and wiping it under my arms - works fantastically! I've been doing this daily now for five months and it's still 100% effective! Lasts all day and that includes through work or busy activity! So this has to be my number one recommendation for 100% safe and effective deodorant now. I usually let it dry for a bit before putting clothes on but it's just so convenient and not to mention cheap!

On another note - laundry soap: I have to say, after two years of using soap nuts only for my laundry, this is going to be something I continue using forevermore I think as long as they are available. It is SO cost effective. In fact I can't imagine any other laundry soap whether home made or not could ever come cheaper and more economical than these soap nuts. I have had a box of soap nuts for over a year now - it's lasted us that long! Yes we're only a family of two right now but we do at least one wash most days, they really stretch far. I use them for most of my washes with cold water too and they are great. I use them with hot water for towels and sheets. Can't recommend them highly enough!
I'm still continuing with all else previously mentioned in this blog, all going well!
Would love to hear from you if you have any ways you're going chemical free that I may have not mentioned as yet!
Thanks for reading!